Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Risk our life to explore a nice scene...

Why I said that is a risk for our life to explore this place?

It's actually talking about our driver... Again!!! Guess you could not imagine what she did.... She... driving us with her eyes closed la...
The story begins with... there is a long~ long~ long~ road... with trees alongs our left and right... The horror is (meant for our driver only)... the birds & bats flying very low and near on the road (she's super fear of birds)... 3 of us kept quite to let her concentrate on driving but still.... she closed her eyes!!! Imagine if that moment we roll down 2cm of the car's window, and today, our photos may be appear only in the Newspaper... Very lucky, we are safe...
A long bay, only 4 of us... we shouted towards the sea... With the beautiful sunset, beautiful wave and beach... we desperately taking photos..... and here are the rewards: A Wonderful Bay!

28/08/2009 @ Damar Laut, Perak


  1. Titah tuanku: Ahem...Atas kesalahan anda membongkar rahsia Beta secara sengaja,Beta terpaksa menjatuhkan hukuman seberat-beratnya atas ketidakcorrectasi anda. Mr nite, my secret killer is instructed to gao dim u later. U may choose: die gently, die slow2, man2 die or kesemua di atas. BTW, beta hanya tutup mata buat beberapa saat aje and not along the journey. Hah, ini dah mempermisleadkan para readers yang innocent liao.... clarification needed.

  2. Super Ting: Wahhhhhhhh since when Mr Nite become ur secret killer ar???

  3. Titah tuanku: Nanti kalu ada chance, kasi rekrut lor....u tau lah, sikalang beta manyak bahaya coz picik n super lin makin ganas liao. Keselamatan beta adalah diutamakan.

  4. Looks like picik attack u 1st ler, tuanku. u need to recruit new pax

  5. Haha... walaupun I sikit memperkuajeongkan, but Tuanku betul betul close her eyes when driving 4 manusia. Di atas sebab itu, aku... ataupun kita tidak akan mengakui kesalahan yang disebutkan. Beside, tentang ur secret killer Mr. Nite, I hope Super Lin can instruct him to let you(u got no choice) bi die lagi nan shou... wuahahahaha...
    Lin, give me 5!!

  6. Titah tuanku: Halo, picik..... org kelantan, pi improve ur bahasa lulu..... ur bahasa mmg memperkonfuskan org n memperkiksimkan beta.... aduh, sakitnya hatiku.

  7. ahahahaha .. 4 ladies here ~
    reading all ur comments relii need to use brain ler ~
    BM + CHI + ENG ~ Oh My God ~
    but .. mama proud of u ~ close eye driving ~ hahahahahahhaha

  8. Next time try to get a more careful driver than Tuanku Lee-lah. Anyway, most important u got a fun and enjoyable trip even with a risky driver.

  9. Titah tuanku: Sweet mama.... jgn diinfluence by ur picik.... she likes imagination veli much and wat she wrote is not all correct one lah.... Believe me, i m pemandu yang cermat n berhemah.

  10. Dear Ting & Lin, please express your(=our) feeling...

  11. Tuanku, eventhough ur ah lui proud of u for driving wif eyes close (even for 1 millisecond) we still vote that its dangerous driving... next trip, we take the plane, hehe

  12. i think tuanku punya imagination lebih baik lo....kata macam ni pun dia berani cakap...really memperkeisimkan

  13. Tuan-tuan dan Puan-puan, now you see...
    Respond within 5 minutes...
    Anyway, have to apologise to Tuanku... for publishing the truth

  14. Titah tuanku: Kebenaran akan air jatuh batu keluar suatu hari nanti..... kesemua ini adalah cobaan...... (sila imagine p.ramlee punya muka semasa baca perkataan "cobaan". 10 Q). Sekian, alhamdullilah.

  15. Then we letak panjang 2 mata tengok lar...

  16. Titah tuanku: Ini komen punya sejarah memang ada panjang.... Haiz..... perempuan2 di atas memang panjang nafas. Keksimnya saya.... Tak apa..... kebenaran bisa akan menang ketidakcorrectasi.

  17. Picik, please start another new topic. This comment balas balik thing has been going on far too long
